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Changing Now

Sometimes the unfoldment of the synchronicities and epiphanies during the creative process is so astonishing that in my eagerness, I stumble through the story, and neglect clarifying elements. Hopefully you will still be able to glean the gems from what is written here.

For the full effect, I will tell you that on March 15th of this year I learned that an desired outcome I was SURE was going to occur on June 28th of this year, an outcome on which I have been working for the last seven years of my life, an outcome that has already been delayed six or seven times, was to be postponed indefinitely.

It is not exaggerating to say that I felt I could not live through this…(my Mom always said I had a flair for the dramatic.)

To deal with this major setback, I needed immediate assistance, I needed my NOW to change, not wait for the imagined relief that would come in the future. Fortunately, I was told about the process of Quantum Jumping and found a guided meditation on Insight Timer to take me through it, (Quantum Jumping & Reality Shifting Meditation by Lucid Power Mind, just in case you would like to try it for yourself!)

Quantum Jumping suggests you meander into the future, experience your desired outcome AFTER it has already happened, inhabiting the sensory experience of it, the way it feels, the relief and freedom, the celebration, along with the new possibilities that open. Once you have experienced it fully in the future, the “upgraded you” returns to “now”, confident and trusting that everything is unfolding as you remember.

I practiced this two or three times and noted more than once at a particular point in the meditation, prompted to notice a special name on the door to my future (that I ultimately entered) I saw (more accurately heard) the name…”Veronica”. After the second experience of this, curious, I looked up the name (on Google) and was astonished to see this…

Veronica is a girl’s name of Latin origin, influenced by the phrase vera icon, meaning “true image.” This sophisticated title also comes from the Greek name Berenice, derived from phérein, “to bring,” and níkê, “victory.”

SO, I surmise the future me IS my “true image” and victorious, and even more remarkable, my Dad’s nickname for me was “Victory”.

So what of interest is here for me, the reader, you may be asking?

This process is available to everyone, and potential of changing your “Now” by taking a few minutes to practice this, should be tantalizing…how do you imagine your “true image”?

And what does all this have to do with the creative process and the painting?

I was working on the figurative painting “Finding Veronica” while going through this, and realized it was also helping me evaluate and integrate things. To add to the magic for me, this is the second time I’ve rendered this SAME subject, and I wrote about the first adventure as well, in this post, Changing the Past .

I like to be brief in these posts and I realize there is a lot here, so I’ll summarize my points; 1) you can change your “now” by spending a few moments Quantum Jumping into the future, 2) you can change your “now” by going into the past (for clarification read the blog post), 3) creativity (all forms) is a portal for self-discovery, 4) while five years can change your style of expression dramatically, it’s always leading to the discovery that your true essence involves overcoming your challenges victoriously!

I extend to you the invitation of exploring time travel in these ways and look forward to hearing of your discoveries.

Filed under: Changing the Past, Creative Living, Quantum Jumping, Time Travel

About the Author

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Current -"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration", said Nikola Tesla. I am exploring this and employing it at the same time through art (painting with color frequency) and sound healing (I'm a certified Biofield Tuner). Combining the elements of sound and color have dramatically shifted life for the better, even during 2020. Past - Born in the desert, grew up painting even through education and career. Quit to pursue painting full time 30 years ago. Got married and divorced, single parented two boys and now delight in my grandbabies. Future - refining the frequency practices, innovating and creating, living more fully, sharing what I've learned to empower you in doing the same! " When the tide rises, it lifts all boats" John F. Kennedy


  1. cledaelisa

    as always -fascinating.

    will get back to this -although going

    back to the past is scary for me….

    • Thanks for commenting! I very much understand not wanting to revisit a scary or painful past, the thing is that changing your relationship with past events can be freeing…just read the (second) blog post if you get a chance and you will have a better feel for that and I do encourage you to try the Quantum Jumping!

  2. First of all I’m sorry to hear about the delay. And, I so admire your fortitude and creativity when it comes to using beauty to craft and navigate your life. Thanks for sharing.

  3. First of all I’m sorry to hear about the delay. And, I so admire your fortitude and creativity when it comes to using beauty to craft and navigate your life. Thanks for sharing.

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