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Never Ending Story

I’ve known this date was coming, September 30th, the day my sister “left for her next assignment”, as my Dad liked to describe it, a year ago today.

Although we did have some warning, (of her impending departure) I certainly did not expect it to happen so quickly, a mere three months after my vibrant, full-of-life sister received her frightening diagnosis.

I’ve been stumbling through my grief journey, it’s not the first time, and so I know it is an uneven path.

I share this with you not to have you feel sad for me, or for her, but to inspire you to create (in whatever manner appeals to you) when you feel overwhelmed by emotion.

The piece you see above has actually been waiting in my studio for quite some time now, just not yet “right” or complete somehow, and as I thought about how I wanted to process more of my sadness and honor my sister at the same time, I heard the call, “put me in Coach!”

The text, “you are so loved” was already in the piece. I added her name, and “peace be with you” text. I added the large spiral, symbolizing “the way of all things”. The title popped right in, as I believe, she has, and we all have, a “Never Ending Story”.

I’ll leave you with this quote…

“A dragonfly to remind me even though we are apart, your spirit is always with me, forever in my heart.”

– Unknown*.

Filed under: Creative Living, Death and Rebirth, grief, Loss, Transitions

About the Author

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Current -"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration", said Nikola Tesla. I am exploring this and employing it at the same time through art (painting with color frequency) and sound healing (I'm a certified Biofield Tuner). Combining the elements of sound and color have dramatically shifted life for the better, even during 2020. Past - Born in the desert, grew up painting even through education and career. Quit to pursue painting full time 30 years ago. Got married and divorced, single parented two boys and now delight in my grandbabies. Future - refining the frequency practices, innovating and creating, living more fully, sharing what I've learned to empower you in doing the same! " When the tide rises, it lifts all boats" John F. Kennedy


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