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Silver Lining

2022 has been a helluva year, but you don’t need to read this post to know and feel that.

I started out with great expectations and high hopes, but by April, I was on my knees searching for the thread that would keep me connected to my desire to continue on.

Taking the “Find Your Joy” and subsequent “Find Your Voice” courses for the second year (painting/creative development and highly recommended) felt like a lifeline, until I bumped into a particular lesson (Module) that triggered some old stuff for me in an explosive way. I felt intense shame, and then anger, wanting to blame the messenger instead of getting the message.

Yes, I’m still working through old stuff (news flash, we all are on some level) and I was being offered an AFGO (Another F**king Growth Opportunity), so described to me by my sister, Barbara, years ago.

As I have written about here before, in a sudden flash of synchronicity and awareness, the solved puzzle suddenly took form when only moments ago it was a million messy pieces, and yet again, in August of this year, while I was in the studio bringing a painting of my granddaughter into being, Bonnie Raitt’s “Silver Lining” began playing (from my iTunes playlist) and I realized everything had been lined up for me, revisiting the wound (childhood trauma), the trigger, (FYV Module), the timing (2022)/ my granddaughter’s age (5) , the healing (painting her, seeing myself), the explanation (there is a Silver Lining) impeccably and emotionally voiced by Bonnie Raitt, healing her own sadness (both parents dying in the same year)…click the link above to hear her.

Since then the Universe has pointed me to Silver Linings repeatedly, and so it is the theme of my upcoming exhibit. Most recently, I found this quote by Steve Jobs…”Believe things will work out. How was I ever to know that the girl that broke my heart in University would lead me to my soulmate? How was I to know that the ‘dream job’ I was rejected from out of college would lead me to a year of entrepreneurship and adventure in Spain? How was I to know that taking a miserable job back in the states would be just the push I needed to vow to never do something I wasn’t passionate about again? Everything works out. I mean everything. As long as you believe it will. When you do, you will find the silver lining. That will take you to the next level.”

May you believe in and find your silver linings everywhere.

Filed under: Creative Living, Emotion, Grandbabies, grief, Healing Art, Loss

About the Author

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Current -"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration", said Nikola Tesla. I am exploring this and employing it at the same time through art (painting with color frequency) and sound healing (I'm a certified Biofield Tuner). Combining the elements of sound and color have dramatically shifted life for the better, even during 2020. Past - Born in the desert, grew up painting even through education and career. Quit to pursue painting full time 30 years ago. Got married and divorced, single parented two boys and now delight in my grandbabies. Future - refining the frequency practices, innovating and creating, living more fully, sharing what I've learned to empower you in doing the same! " When the tide rises, it lifts all boats" John F. Kennedy


  1. Marcia Richards

    Thank you for your insight and wisdom…I really needed a reminder to look for the silver lining.

  2. So powerful. Anger as lightning and lightening for me. I wasn’t allowed to be angry as a child, at least not ok to express it and wow, is there a lot stored up inside me. Triggers come out of nowhere. But I am learning these are my places of hurt and sources of healing. Thank you for a lovely post and best wishes for your show. Off to listen to Bonnie Rait!

    • You are in possession of the key(s) now, congratulations! This is wisdom, “the places of hurt AND the sources of healing”, what an honor to hear from you and walk with you on your journey.

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