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Enter the Dragonfly

In times that make little sense logically, it seems wise to turn to nature for guidance and inspiration.

Dragonflies were some of the first winged insects to evolve, arriving 300 million years ago, so they’ve seen a thing or two. Dragonflies are expert fliers with the ability to fly straight up and down, hover like a helicopter and mate mid-air (not recommended). Since the dragonfly’s head is almost entirely comprised of eye(s), they have incredible vision.

Revising the words of Jenny Eilers just a bit, “The dragonfly exhibits iridescence both on its wings and body, iridescence being the phenomenon of certain physiologies that appear to change color as the angle of view or illumination changes. This can represent the end of one’s self created illusions of limitation, and the realization of one’s potential, unmasking the true self.”

If there was ever a time to reflect on resiliency and resourcefulness it is now. Supplement that with the continual practice of releasing the illusions of separation and limitation while evolving ever more into the authentic (Divine) self and we have a clear path to follow, even if we can’t “see” it.

As mentioned in my last post, “Changing Focus”, the benefits of shifting attention away from drama and dilemma to potential and possibility can not be understated. Creating a new pattern of pivoting in this way is life changing!

I’m keeping my dragonflies close at hand to remind me of these gems of wisdom as we transform together through these tumultuous times.

To watch the creation of some dragonflies on the gelli plate watch here:

If you create a print you love, you can turn it into wall art by adding it to a wood panel! I created a “Part 2” video to show you how and you can see that here!

I would love to hear of your dragonfly experiences and what they mean to you!

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Filed under: change, creating, Creative Living, Healing Art, Peace in a Chaotic World

About the Author

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Current -"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration", said Nikola Tesla. I am exploring this and employing it at the same time through art (painting with color frequency) and sound healing (I'm a certified Biofield Tuner). Combining the elements of sound and color have dramatically shifted life for the better, even during 2020. Past - Born in the desert, grew up painting even through education and career. Quit to pursue painting full time 30 years ago. Got married and divorced, single parented two boys and now delight in my grandbabies. Future - refining the frequency practices, innovating and creating, living more fully, sharing what I've learned to empower you in doing the same! " When the tide rises, it lifts all boats" John F. Kennedy

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